Most business owners have a vision, an idea of where they want their business to go, but often have no real strategy on how to get there, that is where we can help.
We work with all types and sizes of business to help them identify where the business is now and envisage where they want the business to be in a given time frame. Then, together we work out the processes needed to achieve the vision and crucially, break this down into bite-sized, manageable targets, each with realistic timescales.
We will be there every step of the way, sat on your shoulder, holding your hand, reminding you of what is required and ensuring that what needs to be done, gets done. Our perseverance can make all the difference, read how we have helped our clients with strategic business planning in our testimonials.
Forecasting, or budgeting, is a key business tool that allows you to make important business decisions based on information not guesswork. This process of looking into the future and projecting your financial position is a tricky one and one in which we work closely with you to ensure accuracy. If you are seeking external finance, or simply having a forecast profit and loss account, balance sheet and cashflow for next year to enable you to answer questions such as ‘can we take on extra staff?’, ‘Can we purchase a new machine?’ we can help.
By performing sensitivity analysis, we can tweak your forecasts to show you the outcome of small changes, changes which in some instances are crucial for business success. What will happen to your cashflow if you get your debtors to pay you five days earlier? How much does your profit improve by if you put your prices up by 5%? This is all meaningful and valuable information, something that adds value and makes difficult decisions sometimes easier. Once prepared, these forecasts can be compared against your management figures, another useful tool in ascertaining how you are performing against target.
Our business consultancy services are probably one of the most important and crucial that we offer. Quite simply, ensuring your business is successful means our business is successful!
Contact us to see how we can help with independent business advice and consultancy.